Q. I would like to start some emerald green arborvitae from cuttings this fall. What steps should I take to ensure successful propagation? Thank you. Mark Bruser – Tacoma, WA
A. Cuttings for Arborvitaes (Thuja) can be taken from summer to mid fall and should not be fully ripe but rather semi-ripe. Although you can try now with ripe wood but you should use rooting powder to aid in root formation. The cutting taken should be from current season’s growth but should also include a sliver (or heel) from the older wood to aid in rooting. This is called a heel cutting and is usually achieved by pulling the cutting from the main stem sideways thus removing some of the bark. Place the cuttings in a well-aerated mix of half Perlite (or pumice) and half peat moss (or coco peat ) which has been moistened. Place the cuttings in a plastic bag or humidome monitoring the moisture levels. A heat mat is also beneficial as it speeds up the rooting process.