Q. I have a 4 yr old weeping golden chain tree. It bloomed the first year it was planted but not since. It’s in a shady area with morning sun, get good watering and in well-drained soil. This year I thinned a bit to try and make it less dense. Other than lack of golden chains, it appears healthy. What is the secret to get it to bloom? Barbara Wray – Puyallup
A. Golden Chain tree (Laburnum spp.) blooms on wood from the previous season so the only time you can prune it without risk of removing flowers is after it flowers in the spring. Many people wonder what these trees are because they are so striking with their golden yellow pea shaped flowers that hang in long panicles thus the common name. It is always a good idea when purchasing flowering shrubs to ask the vendor the best time to prune them. But when in doubt most winter and spring flowering shrubs bloom on previous seasons wood. This is what allows them to bloom so early in the season. They begin forming flower buds during the summer months. On the other hand shrubs that bloom in the summer and fall generally bloom on new growth from the current season. This is what delays the bloom later into the season. Usually the mode of flowering is a result of evolutionary factors that influenced the shrubs in their native habitat.