Q. I have a very soggy lawn area between my neighbor property and mine. I would like to plant fast growing bushes or trees or whatever in that area to absorb the moisture. I would appreciate any suggestions you could give me. Thank you – Frank Vallaro – Valhalla, NY
A. When I hear wet soil and fast growing my first thought is willow. The Willows belong to the genus Salix many of which are tolerant of wet soil and are fast growing. Japanese Pussy Willow (Salix chaenomaeloides) and Black Pussy Willow (Salix melanostachys) are examples of shrubs that will grow fast but not get too large. You situation seems out of the way of other plants and structures, but be aware that the root systems of the willows are robust and can out compete other plants and create problems with manmade structures like foundations, pipes etc. Your local garden center may have other Willows that are suitable for your site.