This website represents the result of my many years of work as a garden communicator which included this website (which originated in 1996) television segments for Comcast, radio programming and garden writing for newspapers and for the web. There is still a lot of valuable information here which is why I am keeping it available. I…
Category: Garden Ramblings
Here is where I randomly write about some gardening topic I find interesting from useful tool I have found to garden tips I have figured out or picked up or other experiences that I want to share with you.
South Puget Sound Plant Sale
My students, staff and I are gearing up for the South Puget Sound Community College’s Horticulture Program Plant Sale: For those of you who are in the Puget Sound region here is more information: The Horticulture Program through the Plant Production & Marketing class will be holding the 38th Annual Mother’s Day Plant Sale on…
The hummers are coming!
Last Thursday as I left for work I heard a familiar thrumming and called out “Is that you Hummer?” Within a split second there was not more than three feet in front of me a Rufous hummingbird. I said “I guess I should put the feeder out” I think she agreed! Be on the lookout…
Talking on Pruning Trees Today
Will be giving a talk today (Friday) at the Tacoma Home and Garden Show at 3pm – “The Homeowners Guide to Pruning Trees”
What’s the deal with Brussels Sprouts?
Question: Peter, please tell me”How and When” I can grow brussel sprouts! I consider myself reasonably intelligent, but some seed pkgs. are so confusing. No two seem to say the same. Help….thanks Peter. Carol – Lakewood, WA Answer: Well you know Cisco isn’t the only garden communicator who likes Brussels Sprouts! We like to cut…