Q. In the paper this morning, you mentioned thin the apple trees in the light or heavy year. How can one tell which year it is? We have 2 apple trees grown on wires. They need trimming but should I do it now? Thank You Marcy Volny – Puyallup, WA A. If you are not…
Category: Gardening Q & A
Here you will find answers to questions from gardeners around the country. Some answers pertain to all but others are more regional so have a look at them all. You will also see that the Gardening Q & A is broken down into the following regions so please use the drop-down Categories menu to the right to see specific regions :
Hellebores argutifolius lifespan
Q. Hi Peter, I have what I believe is a Hellebores argutifolius that has done surprisingly well for the last few years in a hot, dry area next to a cedar tree. It has clusters of yellow-green flowers and sawtoothed leaves and is about 3′ high and around. It’s starting to look a little leggy…
Hiring a Garden Designer
Q. I have a part of my yard that needs to have a professional layout a design and try to reclaim an ugly old and many problem spot. Have several problems and it is a small area, but the first you see when you go out the front door. Have no clue how to find…
Getting a weeping golden chain to bloom
Q. I have a 4 yr old weeping golden chain tree. It bloomed the first year it was planted but not since. It’s in a shady area with morning sun, get good watering and in well-drained soil. This year I thinned a bit to try and make it less dense. Other than lack of golden…
Burrying Morning Glory Vines
Q. I bury kitchen vegetable waste and garden waste to enhance the soil. I have wild morning glory all over my property. What portion of the morning glory vines can be burried without encouraging new morning glory growth? Thanks A. The wild morning glory (Field bindweed) will likely regenerate from all parts of the plant. …