Q. We planted a mock orange in the south-east corner of the house three years ago. It gets sun until late afternoon. Although it has grown to over six feet and looks very healthy, it has never bloomed or shown signs of bud. It has not been pruned other than an occasional munching by deer….
Category: Gardening Q & A
Here you will find answers to questions from gardeners around the country. Some answers pertain to all but others are more regional so have a look at them all. You will also see that the Gardening Q & A is broken down into the following regions so please use the drop-down Categories menu to the right to see specific regions :
Vine Maple Woes
Q. Dear Pete: My wife and I planted vine maples along the east and west sides of our home in 2003. We are unable to comprehend why the leaves of two of three trees are turning orange prematurely (before fall). Is there some way to determine if they are suffering disease or simply individuating (like…
Early Pumpkins – Harvest now or wait?
Q. HELP!! I planted my pumpkins the end of March as we were going to be gone all of April. NOW they are almost “done”. What should I do?? Leave them on the vine or harvest when they look ready? Since it is only August I am afraid they won’t last until the end of…
Flowering Indoor Corn Plant
Q. I have a common houseplant I believe called corn plant. It bloomed several months ago – photos enclosed. The flower had a deep lily-like fragrance that was very intense in the evening. It has now withered to a barely noticeable stalk. Do I leave it or cut it? Will it bloom again? Janine Carpenter…
Weed Torch pros and cons
Q. Hi, We enjoy your column and your helpful information. We would like to see you discuss the pros and cons of weeding with a blowtorch. We have seen people doing it. Can it be done in areas where you have landscape paper and bark surrounding plants you wish to keep? How about in areas…